The vital role played by British fishermen and their vessels in protecting the nation during the Great War is outlined by Dr Robb Robinson, a trustee of the Viola campaign, in a new podcast.
Robb, an acclaimed maritime historian and author and Honorary R…
Guests at one of the region’s leading shipping industry dinners have boosted the Viola campaign by almost £2,000.
The money was raised from donations and a raffle at the Grimsby and Immingham Shipping Association Dinner and has now been forwarded to the …
Businesses from across the region came together for an event to promote the campaign to bring the Viola back to Hull.
Alan Johnson, former Hull West and Hessle MP, was the guest speaker in his role as Patron of the Viola Trust. Sponsorship was provided b…
The 29th September 2018 marks the centenary of the sinking of the German submarine UB-115 off the coast of Northumberland in an attack which involved the Viola and which was an early example of Combined Operations.
The episode was commemorated in June 20…
Alan Johnson, the Patron of the Viola Trust, seized the opportunity to take the campaign to a corporate audience when he was interviewed for the cover feature for a new business magazine.
Alan, the former MP for Hull West and Hessle whose government post…